Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Pictures That Drive Me Crazy

Have You Seen This Man?

"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half." John Wanamaker

Actually, he's Dave Burwick, SVP and CMO, Pepsi-Cola North America. I'm sure he's a perfectly nice guy. And Pepsi happens to be my cola of choice.

But I gotta tell you, every time I open a page of the New York Times online, he's there. Across the top banner and on a full third of the right hand column. I'm having a hard time reading the articles. I feel like he's watching me.

Frankly, it's starting to get on my nerves.

Plus, I can't figure out why he's shilling for Yahoo. What, Pepsi doesn't pay him enough?

Just, you know, wondering.

Have You Seen This Woman?


"The average American woman is 5-foot-4 and weighs 140 pounds. The average fashion model is 5-foot-11 and weighs 117 pounds." American Obesity Association

I have no idea who she is, but I'm inclined to hate her regardless. Her picture appears in The Philadelphia Inquirer today to illustrate an article on preparing for swimsuit season. Next to her image, the copy reads: As the weather warms, women do battle with their bodies - and their self-images - all to put on a swimsuit.

The article's author, Tanya Barrientos, is one of my favorties. And while her tongue is often firmly in her cheek, she's always got solid things to say. In the article she lives up to the teaser, talking about women, bathing suits and self-image issues.

But in the paper, framing Ms. Barrientos' words, the model's flawless form covers virtually the whole page. At that size you can see her face clearly -- it's scrunched up in a moue of horrified dismay. Together with her body language, the message is clear: She's upset with the state of her body.

Oh please.

This is what's wrong with our country's view of women. Absurdly insulting mixed messages. And outrageously unattainable ideals.

Real women have real self-image problems. And for all I know, when that model looks in the mirror, she sees Kirsty Alley.

If so, I hope she gets help. If not, don't flaunt her at the legions of women who actually do.


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